Investment Managers

Our goal is to evaluate the broadest universe of investment products and strategies to find the most appropriate ones for our clients’ portfolios.

 We are always looking for new and innovative investment opportunities for our clients, and we welcome you to participate.

Objective & Performance-Driven Manager Rating System

Our manager-rating system is grounded in key principles that focus on outputs, differentiating between products rather than merely describing them. The approach considers the institutional quality (designated within our system as “IQ”) of the product, as well as the conviction of our research teams in distinguishing those qualities relative to its peers.

Managers do not pay a fee to be included in our searches or databases. To be included in these databases, a manager simply needs to submit and maintain organization and performance data to any of the external databases that we use.

Emerging & Diverse Manager Diligence Days

Verus seeks to expand our coverage of emerging and diverse managers by identifying additional skillful small and diverse firms for consideration and inclusion in client portfolios. Qualified managers are invited to participate in one-on-one meetings with senior staff June 3 – 14.